11 februarie 2011


cateodata iti amintesti
si nu poti fugi de asta
iti amintesti chipuri
iti amintesti cum pluteai in zbor
deasupra lumii intregi si nimic nu te putea atinge
zambetul acela care vindeca tot raul
si cuvantul care linistea orice zbucium
privirea care te impaca si puteai sa mergi mai departe
mangaierea care iti aducea somnul
si respiratia fiintei langa care credeai ca o sa mori
fara regrete

2 februarie 2011

afternoon sunshine

they want blood
circus is just the joke
that gods played to us

are there any good gods in the sky
or in the middle of the earth
or in the middle of nowhere

what if we're lost

we choose to believe
in the golden age
at the golden hour

where do we come from
and where do we go from here

your first memory
your most recent action

what happened to you
between those two moments in time
are you dreaming right now
are you tripping right now
are you

who do you love
and who loves you

who do you really love
could you kill for that person
would that person eventually
die for you

is this universe
what is real
who are you
who do you really are
how old are you
you remember living other lives

is this existance of yours
changing anything

how infinite is the time
the space
and the thought

i guess we'll find out pretty soon

to be or not to be
that's what's next