29 august 2011


Hollow Grams

runnin' far to forget
runnin' fast to the end
i can't get off this bed
i can't wait to be dead

if this is how i fade
well there's no big surprise
this time i will not fail
please accept my demise

your hologram is fake
but i will find my way
when it's my turn to kneel
i have nothing to say

she never died i guess
all this life is a lie
at least i remember
why i fell from the sky

everything will vanish
our last chance destroied
never-ending stories
for an infinite void

and i trust this future
i understand the past
the moments that we've shared
here will forever last

i am burried alive
there's no point to deny
i hate you for tryin'
i will never comply

i just can not believe
that i still have you here
i can feel your warm breath
and i have no fear

and now i'll fly away
just like i always do
i remember the light
so you can see it too

only the end itself
could be my happy end
calling your name i die
this whisper is my friend


Statue of your pain
To remind us the life
And the beauty of death
On a blade of a knife

Increasing the power
Of an unknown device
Will end this world again
So you better think twice

A portrait of evil
Hangin’ sad on the wall
Reminds you of nothing
It’s consuming your soul

A message from beyond
In a bottle you get
The words are deceiving
So it’s time to forget

Alone with the darkness
Growin’ the light inside
Immortality fades
To the sun that you hide

Forever and ever
Never neverland
Your heart will be broken
Your heart will be mend

Surrender your demons
Walk alone on the path
This is your salvation
It ends in a bloodbath

Adam Eve Abel Cain
And the fifth one named Seth
Right after the murder
The snake gave them meth

It’s my last summer here
Rainy days on the throne
If you’re askin’ me to
I will leave you alone

I’ll be quiet and sad
And I’ll kiss you good night
In your dreams dead and gone
On the wings of a flight

Remember to stop there
At the end of the line
The devil will ask you
For a frame of your time

Give everything to him
You need nothing at all
New kingdom is waiting
The autumn will fall

Compleating my mission
I discover the source
I’m closing the portal
I have no remorse

Physics don’t apply here
Now i am someone-else
I am talkin’ to gods
I believe in intense

And lost in this ocean
So deep inside my mind
I floaded this world
The night that I cried

Take me with you again
I can’t stand anymore
I will give my soul to
The one that I adore

A century of faith
Defeating nothingness
A journey of yourself
Regarding loneliness

No further images
Of your former choices
No more echoes in vain
From those ancient voices

The pictures that I’ve burned
Left me alone and lost
I reach my hand for you
Even I’m just a ghost

Everything everyone
Be aware of the sun
The empires will crowl
When the stranger will come

And all the worlds will pray
For a blink of an eye
The eye will be open
If you give it a try

The shields and the armors
Will serve you no more here
And shadows of wispers
Are trembling so near

To see more dimensions
In order to achieve
Understand the meaning
To love is to forgive

This madness has to stop
I’ll never ask a friend
I’ll blow myself away
This is the fuckin’ end

The Moon

when you're at the bottom
you discover the truth
conquering your fear
you rememeber your youth

hell around the corner
the future is insane
you invented the past
you invented the pain

maybe i will go now
maybe it's time to leave
i will say it again
to love is to forgive

at the end of my life
only one thing i'll say
i forgive all of you
it has finished today

please tell me a story
just take me somewhere else
we're floating together
across the universe

if you're feeling alone
when your way seems to fade
reconsider your thoughts
and the games that you played

ask yourself who you are
ask yourself why you're here
you will see where you are
you'll see it so clear

so please come take my hand
i am givin' you life
nothing seems to matter
when this death is your wife

i wonder if jesus
existed in this world
i wonder if evil
believes what they've been told

when i'll know the answer
i'll be sliding through time
i'm pushing the limit
i'm crossing the line

the space is not real
you created a lie
facing reality
all the angels will die

because angels are fake
the life dissapears
this will not be my grave
i'm one with the sinners

alone in the darkness
i remember the end
i don't even care now
i will never pretend

just show me the way out
i promise i won't tell
take me on your flight snake
we'll overcome the spell

i will paint her portrait
this dimension is sad
i see in the future
we are already dead

spirits invocations
and the hawk and the snake
the future had happened
the cold past is a fake

Your love is the answer
for all this life of mine
never forget the snake
until the end of time

i'll draw the circle now
and I will step inside
no reason to fear
I got nothing to hide

remember the tears
you cried on the back seat
memories not dissolved
’95 summer heat

your dad is driving fast
he’s takin’ you away
I scream your name I run
I lost my soul that day

The dreams of my moment
They all belong to you
a thousand lives I live
but none of them is true

and i will always be
alive somewhere around
to me you are the one
while I‘m just lost and found

when i see my shaddow
at the end of the sun
i forget the evil
i forgive what i've done

this world will fade away
millenniums will come
the time is runnin' out
we'll learn to live as one

you are the miracle
the purpose of the sign
step forward in the dream
aware of the land mine

I choose to be alive
i'm wondering through time
I always find you here
and you forgive my crime

In The Land Of A Fairytale

the dark side is not far
and i love her so much
the devil is so close
and i can feel his touch

that's why it's so funny
because everything's true
nothing's impossible
where i'm going to

i am dreaming again
it's like never before
you wanted to see me
i am giving you more

i'm giving you the chance
to find yourself again
i'm giving back your soul
i take away your pain

the sun is my father
my mother is the moon
i'm poisoning venus
with this old silver spoon

my father's my father
and i am what i am
on the wings of the hawk
i'm playing the snake game

4 august 2011



toti cei care au inteles aceasta lume
si pe celelalte
n'au fost vreodata altfel decat singuri
au trait in tristete
nemangaiati decat de adierea sfarsitului
iar cand aceasta a fost un pas mai aproape
s'au aruncat in inima uraganului cel de pe urma
dar zambind

eu unul n'as vrea sa ma mai intorc aici
in nici un alt vis
al meu sau al altcuiva

dezamagit de fiinte si nefiinte
pierdut printre amintiri care nu'mi apartin
aleg sa se termine

fericirea e o vraja
din care cand te trezesti
numai moartea te mai poate salva

ce'ti doresti nu exista nicaieri
ceea ce iubesti e scrumul unei pareri de rau
dorinta a fost atat de arzatoare
incat a lasat cenusa in locul galaxiei de lumina
intuneric infinit

v'am mintit
de fapt n'am avut nici o sansa inca de la inceput
v'am tarat in razboiul asta crud si inutil
doar pentru propriul meu amuzament aparent de neinteles
care nu se mai satura sa distruga tot ceea ce exista
n'am avut nici o clipa intentia sa castig
v'am ademenit degeaba

m'am plictisit aici
ratacit printre posibilitati limitate
printre respiratii inselatoare si soapte fara sens
am obosit de'atatea lacrimi mistuite in saruturi veninoase

a nu fi
alegerea nici macar nu imi apartine
experimentul a esuat
holograma s'a dizolvat

pacat ca spectacolul se incheie astfel
am senzatia ca ne'am indeplinit misiunea
intr'un fel pe care nu'l putem intelege
de care nu ne putem bucura
si ca speranta noastra ca totul sa fi contat macar
nu e decat cea de pe urma manifestare a vanitatii

acest pustiu nici n'a existat


am inima prea plina de nisipul desertului
ca sa imi mai para rau.
dupa ce'mi trec nervii,
se instaleaza scarba.
apoi tristetea.
iar la sfarsit, ramane golul.
unde este iertarea in ecuatia asta?
singuratatea ca antidot.
anti tot.
ura voastra ma ispiteste sa va uit.
ma recunosc,
imi marturisesc sinele in oglinda
si, odata cu ea,
si, odata cu mine,
nu voi lua inapoi darul pe care l'am facut,
doar ma voi dizolva din amintire
ca o picatura de ploaie in ocean,
ca o lacrima luata de val de pe tarm.
ma duc acasa.
as mai fi ramas.
dar nu mai exist...
de ceva timp...
se face dimineata.
rasare soarele.
am terminat aici.
ma transform in soim si zbor spre apus,
in inima sarpelui.


acest ospiciu e un cabaret
poti sa privesti
e suficient ca sa nu mai intelegi
daca devii personaj
sau ai ramas un spectator model
aplaudand fericit
in iertare
in pacat
poti sa pari revoltat
prefacandu'te ca e o greseala
ca nu meriti sa fi acolo
poti desigur sa te alaturi de buna voie
oricum nu'ti vei aminti
cine a ales pentru tine

cei de pe scaunele din jurul tau
sunt sperietori de ciori
din care ciugulesc berze de tinichea

canta muzica
apar siluete de dupa cortina de catifea violet
e chiar doctorul
spunand glume
iar asistentele astea danseaza
aruncand pumni de pastile inspre luna
momind'o printre zabrelele a caror vopsea alba
numai timpul si'o mai aminteste
in locul vopselei e sufletul mainilor care se tineau strans
sperand o salvare
asteptand scaparea
lacrimile curse pe obrajii resemnati intre zabrele
au erodat fierul
l'au topit demult
desi pare inca solid

evadarea nu e o optiune
pentru ca locul asta
tu crezi
ca nu exista
si daca ar exista si ai scapa
incotro ai alerga catre casa

magicieni apar si dispar
clovni ma sperie sau ma fac sa rad si sa plang
pana si sperietorile s'au imprietenit cu berzele
si ciugulesc impreuna pastilele multicolore
aruncate necontenit de asistentele fara chip
care danseaza in jurul focului asta
aparut dintr'odata
de nicaieri
poate ca mi se pare
dar vad cum ard
insa nu simt

oare sunt si eu o sperietoare
sau o barza de tinichea
sau o asistenta
sau un scaun
sau doctor
sau scena
sau zabrelele
sau luna
sau lacrimile
sau iepurele cu ceas de buzunar
sau cortina
sau cartile de joc
sau magician
sau focul
sau clovnul
sau pastilele

se succed cu repeziciune
milenii de inclestare
univers dupa univers
infinit dupa infinit
si lacrimile mele culg pe obrajii lipiti de zabrele
topind un fier a carui vopsea a uitat'o si timpul
mainile mele mimeaza din tot sufletul
cu ultima suflare
o incercare de a smulge din perete
ceva ce nu exista

muzica nu mai canta
vad iepurele disparand dupa cortina de catifea violet
fara ceas
cenusa si scrum
focul care n'a fost a mistuit iluzia
micul nostru teatru e fum
nici macar atat
4 august 2011